That's a damned shame. Solid structures, with plenty of room & utilities, and potential volunteers. That would be a much better "witness" than some brainwashed zombie standing next to a cart. No offense to those in the Org, but that's just how I feel.
There are many verses in Bible about helping those in need. Here are 30 of them:
Not to mention all the people helping out in H-town right now, from ALL walks of life. Atheists, Humanists, Christians, Muslims, Bhuddists, don't really give-a-shit-ists. Even DOGS and other animals exhibit altruism!! But, since the entire JW flock takes their marching orders STRAIGHT from the Bethel HQ, they won't step up and do the right thing, even though deep down they know they should.
Crap...I gotta get back to work now. I wish someone would CALL Bethel, and ask 'em which Kingdom Halls are helping victims in and around Houston. As a concerned citizen & non-JW, just call up (play dumb if necessary), and ask which ones are open, so you can spread the word to friends & neighbors. Call with the assumption that they are certainly doing SOMETHING....would go something like this:
caller: "I mean, you guys are helping out, right? I've seen your Kingdom Halls, around various parts of town. The Methodist church is sorta full now, and so is the who can I contact down here?"
Bethel rep: "ummm...well....we, uh, don't really have any facilities at the moment, but we're monitoring the situation"
caller: "but people are suffering here!! What do you mean you're 'monitoring' things?!?...blankety...blank...insert expetive.
Would be AWESOME to record such an exchange and get on Youtube. Better yet, send it to CNN!!
Olsteen made the news for NOT opening his church in a timely mamner...I think the JWs should feel the heat too. Such a 'charitable organization.' 😏